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11:15 a.m. - 2004-12-21

the haunted

I guess I don�t need you�I know I don�t want you�but you�you infect me�invade my dreams�in them you calm me�hold me�smother me�I choke�I wake clawing at the space trying to find my way out. I�ve put you to rest 3 times over, and yet you still try to find me. I used to believe in your heart�but now I know it�s cold and dark. It was addicted to my love supply and now you try to steal transfusions against my will. Let me go�let us go�I am alone and free�why are you trying to take what you don�t care for? My life leads me on a path of loneliness�I envision my place in this world is grander than being your bitch. I am a woman who seeks to change the world in which she lives�and if that means I must sacrifice the romance that others are blessed with�then so be it. This life was meant for nothing more than creating love and ensuring its existence�I find salvation here. Your heart is weak and my love is strong�I go on without you�here I am alone. What have I done�I shut myself out�and now I am running through this wing looking to jump�maybe to fly. I seek out my own my king and one day we shall reside over a loving kingdom based on truth �the fantasies sunk in that ship I once called my heart�and now I know I�ve been here before�now I know there is so much more. Sitting in the cold station, I am waiting on my train�take me�take me to the light� I am breaking and once I am born you will no longer know me�every time I take flight you haunt my dreams reminding me�a man�s love is as real as the secrets he conceals�I am concealing and you will know my love no more.

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